Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Idea Book

Have you ever had a good idea about something and didn't know what to do about it?  Have you ever had a dream about something fantastic but then when you woke up in the morning all you could remember is that is was a great dream but no details?  Have you ever been in the middle of something and thought about what you really want to do and forgot about it later because you didn't write it down?  I don't know about you, but my answer to all of these questions is YES!!

I have so many ideas about things, and of course I believe that all of them are really good, but I hardly ever write them down.  I just dive right in to whatever idea I am most thinking about and take it from there.  The bad thing about this is that when I do this I haven't done any planning so I tend to forget about important pieces of the idea that may be needed to truly make it work.

Well, to solve my idea problem I have decided to create an "Idea Book".  What is an idea book you may ask?  And idea book is any notebook or journal that you use to write down your best ideas and even start planning them out.  What does writing them down accomplish?  It helps remind you of what you could be doing and what dreams you have or have had.  It allows you to start the planning process for your greatest thoughts and hopefully spurs you to start putting those thoughts into action.  I encourage everyone to have an idea book because everyone has an idea about something.  You may not be able to move forward with your idea at this exact moment, but eventually you will look back at your idea book and realize what you really wanted to do and turn that into a dream come true.  So the next time you have a great idea, no matter where you are, write it down on a napkin or anything you can grab that a pen or pencil will scribble on.  Then stuff it in your pocket or purse and when you get home write it down.  Remember that if it came from your mind then it is a dream of yours and you don't ever want to have any regrets.  Do all you can to make all of your dreams and ideas come true!!