Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Father's Day Malcolm

On February 23, 1995 I met the man who would eventually become my husband and the father of my children.  We dated on and off for seven years before we married in a beautiful outdoor ceremony before God, our family, and our friends.  It was a long time coming and the adventures we have shared together since then have been wonderful.

We drove to San Antonio and walked through the caverns.  We went to dinner on a boat floating through a river that ran between a shopping area.  We visited the historical site at The Alamo and we even went to a drive-thru safari (yes you heard me right) where we had a zebra come up to our car and were close enough to an animal with large horns that could have punctured a hole through our car.  We went to the Essence Festival and saw some great shows.  We have been ice skating and attended dinner shows together.  We went to the Alpha Centennial in D.C. in 2006 and we even drove all the way to Washington, D.C. with 2 kids for the first Obama Inauguration in 2009.

Out of all the things we have done the greatest adventure we have enjoyed together has been parenthood.  As parents we are both a work in process because as a parent you are constantly learning.  Even though we are both still learning one thing I know to be true is that you are a GREAT father.

When our first child, Malcolm II, was born you were the first to hold him, you strapped him into the car seat for his ride home, and you tended to him in a very loving and caring way.  Since his birth you have attended his soccer games, praised him for all his academic accomplishments, shown him what it means to be a big brother, and let him know that it is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them.

When our second child arrived just 15 months after the first you walked him around the hospital, dressed him in his coming home outfit, strapped him in for his first car ride, and slept with him on your chest.  Since then you have coached his soccer team, praised him for excellent success in school, shown him how to box (in a safe and kid friendly way), and let him know that it is okay to have a lot of energy as long as you channel it into something positive that makes you feel good.

Our third child was your birthday gift in 2009 as she was born on November 20th, the same day as you.  She slept on your chest in the hospital chair, you got her dressed in her coming home outfit, and you strapped her in for her first car ride home.  Since then you have attended a father/daughter dance, went to her first dance recital (even though she didn't make it on stage), and turned her into daddy's perfect princess with a perfect smile.

Since our first was born on August 5, 2005 you have shown everyone what it means to be a father.  Anyone can have a child but real men raise their children and that is what you do every single day.  You are there with them through the good times and the bad.  You shield them from the hurt whenever you can and you sacrifice for them every single day.  You take them to the park, you take them fishing, you go on walks together, you play wrestling in the living room, you fix meals for them, and you love them like they are the center of your world.  You show them that it doesn't take money to be happy or to have a good time.  As long as you have your family and you are together then life is always good; and that is a lesson that everyone should learn.  My heart is overjoyed every time I see you with them not because you make them happy but because I know that God has blessed them with the best man that can teach them about life.  You show our boys not just through your words but through your actions what it is to be a real father and a real man.  You show our daughter how she should be treated and loved by a man and you always give her a reason to shine.  You protect our children with every fiber of your being.  I am blessed to call you my husband and I am thankful that God has made you the man that you are so you can be an example for our children.  I love you.  HAPPY FATHERS DAY MALCOLM!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I Really Don't Know

(Image credit: Muscogee Moms)

I started to write this post today because I had not written in awhile.  I had all these different ideas about what I wanted to or should write about and then it hit me; I really don't know what I want to write about.  Is that a good thing or a bad thing?  I believe that sometimes it is a good thing because it allows a person to just be free and write down whatever words come to their mind or what ever thoughts are in their heart.  This is a time when you can get some of the most true and honest writing ever.  Why?  The reason is you are not held to a specific topic or being constrained by what you think you have to do.  You are just letting it all flow through your fingertips, to the keyboard, and onto a screen where it will eventually be read by someone.  Hopefully someone other than you.  But remember even if no one other than you reads your post you should still be happy with it because it came from you.  It is a part of you and no one can take that away.  There will be times when you may write something and then ask yourself why you wrote it; well that is all a part of life.  We are not perfect and we all make mistakes.  The only perfect being does not physically reside on this Earth, but his spirit is all around us.  I am grateful for these moments he gives me of uncertainty because it is in these moments that I have some of my greatest life revelations.

It is in moments like this that I have realized at times I have been a total idiot and at times in my life I have even been a total b****.  Do I intend on this, well of course not.  But does it happen, well of course it does.  And, I am woman enough to admit that there have been times in my life when I have done it on purpose.  For example, if someone is really annoying me or I really dislike them I have found myself looking for a reason to approach them and be the biggest pain that I can be.  Well that is not very womanly of me, but it has happened.  When it does happen I have to catch myself before-hand if possible.  If I do not catch myself before-hand then I have to do some self-reflection to see why I was brought to that point in the first place and then I am able to correct myself inward and move on.

It is in moments of uncertainty that I have also had some of my greatest ideas and thoughts.  It is in moments of uncertainty that I have realized what I really want to do at times.  I may not always know how I want to go about doing those things, but I know that I want it.  For example, right now in my life I know that I am ready for a fresh change and a new perspective.  Where that will lead me no one knows except God, but it has to lead to something great otherwise it would not weigh so heavily on my heart.  I look forward to the journey ahead, even if I do not know all of the steps that I will take to get there.  I thank God for each moment he gives me and I am blessed to be able to share each and every one of those moments with a loving husband and three beautiful children.  Life  and family is an adventure.  I really don't know what we will experience, but as long as we experience it together then life will always be grand.