Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Important Lessons

What are the important lessons that we all learn in life?  I believe that they are whatever shapes us and our beliefs as a person.  I hope to pass these lessons onto my children as they get to the right age and/or as I learn them.  For example, I think it is important to teach children that it is not the materials gifts and things in your life that matter, but the experiences and memories that you can take with you and share wherever you go.  I also think that is is important to teach children about community service.  They must learn how important it is to serve and give back to the community.  You don't have to be rich to give back because it is not about money.  It is about being selfless and giving a little bit of time to a cause or causes that you believe in and support.  For example, recently I began inquiring about pen pal programs for military personnel/  Why?  Because I thought it would be nice to correspond with a service member and make them feel appreciated and at home in some way.  If you do a little research you will find that something as simple as sending a letter to someone overseas can have a tremendous impact in their morale.  There are other things that I would like to do and other things that you can do in terms of service.  The point is to do it and pass on the lessons that you learn in the process.

Not all life lessons will be learned while you are a child.  There are some important life lessons that will be learned as an adult.  For example, most of us know the saying that goes something like this:

People are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

This is a lesson that I have learned about and really taken to heart the past few years.  I have learned that you can't stay in the same place forever.  I have learned how to start letting go of people in my life that served no purpose.  I have learned that you need to hold onto those in your life that provide friendship, support, and love in the good times as well as the bad.  I have learned that when you meet someone you have to pray and think long and hard as to whether or not they are meant to be a part of your world for a lifetime or just a reason or season.  By no means have I perfected this lesson, however, just the simple fact that I have learned it and have in some small way started to let go tells me that you can learn at any age.

My suggestion to everyone out there, whether you have kids or not, is to write down the lessons that you learn as you learn them.  Keep a notebook or journal with you and you can jot things down in so that you won't forget them.  Important life lessons should never be forgotten and always passed on.  I would like to hear what are some of the important life lessons that you have learned and maybe we can all learn from one another.