As I continually think about change in my life and things that could be different I have decided that the next thing I want to do to make change in my life is to cut people out of my life that don't want to be a part of it. How many of us have hundreds of friends on Facebook but never even contact or keep up with half of them. And how many of us store someones number in our phone that we haven't seen in ages and never contact them, or have numbers from people that we have not heard from in awhile.
I recently put people on notice that I have phone numbers for that I would be cutting/deleting people out of my phone that don't want to be a part of my life. I haven't contacted everyone yet, but I will be contacting everyone that I haven't heard from in awhile. If they don't respond to my message then they will be cut out of my contact list because I will know they don't want to be in it. I am a grown woman with a husband and 3 kids and I do not have time for foolishness or people that don't want to be a part of my life. After I clear out the contact information in my phone my next step will be to move on to Facebook. People that I haven't heard from or that create any kind of negativity in my life I will "unfriend". There is no need to pretend and keep you in my list, as a friend, or in my life in anyway if you aren't making an effort yourself to be a part of my life.
Does that sound harsh? Am I wrong? Is it cruel to put people on notice and then cut them out when they don't respond? I would say no and when I do cut these people out of my life I will do it without remorse because I will know that the people whose numbers I have decided to keep or the individuals on Facebook I still have as friends will be people that have decided to be part of my life and are making some kind of effort to be part of my life. After thinking about it and beginning this journey of reorganizing and purging my life I strongly believe that everyone should do this at some point and time. It is good for the mind, body, and soul. It allows you to get "back to basics" and make your life what you want it to be and what God intends it to be. So for all of you out there reading I encourage you to take the journey of purging your life with me. If you are worried or afraid of what people might think then that is ok because sometimes I think about that also. But a good friend once told me that people are going to think what they want to think regardless of what you say or do. So you have to do what is right for you and you have to do what is right for your family. That is what it is all about!!