Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Solution

Sunday is the beginning of the week and it is also the day that we generally go to church and worship GOD for all he has done in our lives.  Well my husband and I are in a position where he works on Sunday's and it is hard for us to make it through an entire service with three young children; one of whom is still in diapers.  It has also been hard finding a church that we like that has a nursery & children's church every Sunday that will accommodate all three of the kids so that we can enjoy the word.  A simple solution I have come up with is to take about 30 minutes each Sunday morning with the kids to devote to GOD.  We have a kid's story bible and we sit on the couch and read a few stories from the story bible.  After we are done reading we talk about the stories for a few minutes and then we close our devotion time by saying a little prayer.  I have realized that even if we can't make it to church all the time it is still important to instill GOD's word into your children in a manner that they will listen.  It's also important that your children grow up knowing how important GOD is and how he does great things.  Worshiping GOD isn't always about sitting in a particular building or listening to a particular person; it is worshiping in your own way in order to fill yourself with the spirit and pass on valuable lessons to your kids.  Don't ever try to worship GOD in the way someone else tell you to do it.  Worship GOD in the way that you are comfortable with and open to.  Then and only then will your heart open to his greatness and love.