Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Break Chronicles 2012 - Day 1

Spring break officially started Friday afternoon once the kids got out of school, however, we consider Saturday to be day 1 since it was the first full day.  It was great waking up knowing that for the upcoming week I don't have to set my alarm.  The only time my alarm has to be set is to wake up for church Sunday morning.

Day 1 started off great.  It was very relaxing and soothing for me and my family.  We saw my mother off to New Mexico on her cross country trip to engage in job interviews and enjoy her spring break from her teaching job here in Florida.  We ate our breakfast, of course, and then we watched some movies and the kids played.  Our outing yesterday was to the duck pond.  We all got dressed, we dropped off the hubby to help his frat brothers decorate for a ball, and me and the kids proceeded to Lake Ella.  First we stopped at Publix to pick up some cereal without any sugar or taste to use to feed the ducks instead of bread.  The way our kids throw the food to the animals we have found that cereal lasts longer.  We walked around the lake and fed the few ducks we saw and a couple of turtles had the pleasure of enjoying the generic Cherios cereal.  At the completion of our lap we got around to where they have this big tree in the park.  It's a tree that all kids feel compelled to climb, as my boys always do.  I let them climb for a little bit while my daughter chased a few birds.  Then we hopped back in the car and went to go get some slushies from Sonic.

For those who don't know Sonic usually has slushies half price from 2-4 and it was around that time so it was great!!  We each got one and I got an extra blue coconut flavor to take to my other half.  We scooped up the husband from his decorating duties and went home to each lunch and enjoy the afternoon before our first date night in months.  Yesterday my husband and I actually secured a sitter, thank you Cedrica, and were able to go out to his fraternity's annual scholarship ball.  It was nice to eat, dance, talk with some other adults, and just have a good time.  When we were done for the night we picked up the kids went home and went to sleep.

That is how day 1 of spring break went yesterday on Saturday, March 17th.  Yes it was St. Patrick's Day but we didn't go crazy.  We had some good old fashioned family fun.  Who knows what adventure awaits as Day 2 begins today but I will be sure to let you know.  Stay tuned for more on Spring Break Chronicles 2012.