Saturday, September 28, 2013

What Do You Do When You Can't Sleep?

(Image Credit: The Sleep Council)

I woke up a little after 4:00 am this morning and could not get to sleep.  Instead of just lying in bed trying to force myself to do something that I couldn't do I figured that I would have some fun on the internet and then do something productive.  I logged on the Facebook and checked out my news feed.  I went onto oDesk in search of some writing jobs.  I checked out my page at YCN.  Then I decided to write this blog.  Inspired by Eugene Hennie who posted one time about not wasting your energy by just lying around.  I don't remember if it was a blog, a comment on Facebook, or when he said it but I know I got it from him.  It was a brilliant idea.  Without that thought in my mind I would have just been lying in the bed staring at a dark wall since the lights are all off and I should be asleep.  I have accomplished a little bit in this time that I have been up but it has also made me realize that I have so much more to do.  I have to start writing again.  I have to start making connections again.  Hell, I have to just start living again.  This is something my husband tells me all the time, and believe it or not Malcolm somewhere in my mind your thoughts and your words are always with me.

In less than 2 hours daylight will start to break and I will probably still be awake thinking about a million things.  It is hard to actually get real sleep when you have so many thoughts on your mind.  My thoughts range anywhere from what I am going to fix for breakfast, to what I want to do with my kids during spring break, to how we will celebrate the holiday's and everything in between.  Blogging about these thoughts gives me peace of mind because instead of holding it all in I get to actually write it down and maybe my thought process will help someone out in the future.  Well it is time to go now and hold my youngest mini-me but I leave you with this thought; sleep is a precious commodity so don't waste it.  And, if you can't sleep then don't waste your most valuable precious non-renewable resource and that is time!!